Michael Avenatti Arrested on Suspicion of Domestic Violence

Yesterday, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence in Los Angeles.  

An unidentified woman (who was first identified as his estranged wife) filed a criminal complaint against the lawyer, saying he hit her at an apartment on Tuesday and then yesterday, got into some sort of confrontation..  Sources said the woman's face was swollen and bruised when she submitted her complaint to authorities.  

As he was being released on bail, Avenatti said, “I have never struck a woman, I never will strike a woman, I have been an advocate for women’s rights my entire career and I will continue to be an advocate.”  

He added the charge against him is “bogus” and he looks forward to being completely exonerated. 

Meantime, Avenatti's estranged wife, Lisa Storie, denied any incident took place, releasing a statement via her lawyer to CNN that said: I haven’t see Michael in months. It’s a complete fabrication. Bruises on my face? It is insanity. He wouldn’t hit anybody. Especially a woman. He’s got two daughters.

Source: CNN, The Daily Mail


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