"Stranger Things" Kids Make More In A Day Than Most Americans Do Yearly!

According to research done by CableTV.com, the nine young principal performers in the Netflix series "Stranger Things" earn more than most Americans do make working 40 hours a week all year long.

The show’s actors take home as much as $350,000 per episode (that’s for Millie Bobby Brown, who plays Eleven). There are eight episodes in the season, so that works out to $2.8 million for the season. Whoa.

The average annual salary in America is $47,060; Millie earns $31,818 for one eight-hour day. A worker paid at that rate would have to labor for 1,383 hours – almost 173 work days – to make that much. (Are you depressed yet?!)

She is by far the highest paid young member of the cast, with a salary that matches that of grownups Winona Ryder and David Harbour. Her co-stars make a mere $150,000 to $250,000 per episode. That’s 50 to 80 cents per second.

Source: USA Today.

Photo Credit: Getty Images.

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