Metro Detroit Mom with COVID-19 Drives Self to Hospital to Deliver Twins

What a miracle story resulting in the gift of life. A metro Detroit couple was thrilled to be expecting twins, but then the COVID-19 changed everything. 

Jen and Andre Laubauch were expecting the twins by C-section next month, but both boys decided to arrive early this month at the Beaumont Hospital in Troy. That can be complicated and scary enough on its own - but to make matters worse, both parents also just recently contracted coronavirus. 

"We didn't get the call that I was actually coronavirus positive until about 10 minutes after Jen's water broke," said Andre. And, he was too ill to drive. 

"I felt like it was fight for my life at that point," he said. 

"You know, we had to leave to go to the hospital and I'm saying, 'Andre, can you drive?' And he's just sitting on the couch, just, can't talk. The look on his face was heartbreaking because it just told me everything. It was this look that, 'I want to go with you, I want to be there with you but I physically can't do that right now.' And so, got in the car and drove myself to the hospital," Jen said. 

Source/Fox 2 News

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