SOURCE - On Monday, blogger and dietitian Chelsey Amer caused a stir when the told the Daily Meal that a greasy slice of pizza is healthier than a bowl of cereal with milk, the Chicago Tribune reported.
LLLEEETTSSS GOOO!! I've been saying it since college but cold Pizza is the breakfast of champions. My personal favorite is the OG pepperoni sometimes I'll get fancy with it and throw some banana peppers on it, ya dig?
There is one concern I have. Cereal is awesome! I feel a little bad that we have to choose one or the other. If anything lets go to war with eggs. You ever eat an uncooked egg? Or how about when they have the shells from the egg all in your breakfast. I hate that.
Matter of fact lets rank breakfast foods!
1. Pizza, the za, that good good.
2. French toast. Make it texas and it may move to one.
3. Pancakes. Yo I love pancakes. Recently I was dabbling in flavored syrups too which was an interesting experience. I don't recommend it but ya it was alright.
37. Eggs, I just don't like them. I really don't.
So to all my college friends and lazy adults, keep doing you!! This is a big win for my lifestyle.