Let me just tell you guys something. I have spent all week trying to prepare for last nights episode of This Is Us. I skipped it last night because I wasn't ready and I almost skipped it today because I still wasn't ready. Then this little devil on my shoulder was like "watch it. you can handle it" and that little devil was wrong. I knew I was in for it when I saw Mandy Moore's Instagram story the other day with this picture-
SAME MANDY. SAME. Nothing could prepare us for our beloved Jack's death. I'm 99.9% sure that all 27 million people that tuned in last night were ugly crying like they never have before.
Are you ready to fall in love with Jack in real life? Milo Ventimiglia told reporters on a conference call today that he struggled to film some of the scenes because of what it required of his partner. While he wasn't required to be on set, Milo wanted to be there to play his own dead body when Rebecca returned to his hospital room, in denial that he was actually gone. During the show's after show Mandy Moore revealed that she didn't know Ventimiglia was going to actually be there. which resulted in the first raw take and a scene that Milo found very hard to film.
"I know how I am in regards to moments of experience, especially moments of experience between Jack and Rebecca. I wanted to not throw a curveball at Mandy, but I wanted to be there," he says. "It's one thing to have to act alone, it's another thing to have to take the history that she and I have worked on for two years and be a still, lifeless body in front of her. I was ultimately hearing her just break and fall to a million pieces, and that might have been the hardest thing to film, not because I had to lay still, but I was listening to my friend crumbling."
Along with that, Milo said a bunch of other cute things about how much the characters of Jack and Rebecca mean to him and Mandy. For those of you that are already missing Jack, don't worry because we're told he is not going anywhere. Now I'm not sure if seeing him in the flashbacks is going to make me happy or make me immediately burst out into another ugly cry. I now have 24 hours to prepare for tomorrow's episode which is probably going to rip out what little remains of my already broken heart.