Joseph Quinn from "Stranger Things" Proves He Can Play "Master of Puppets"

If you spend any time on Twitter (and I spend a LOT) you may have seen some people accusing Joseph Quinn of not actually playing Metallica's "Master Of Puppets" in the hit Netflix show "Stranger Things" where Quinn plays the metal loving character Eddie Munson.

Some accused him of using a body double or that GCI could make it look like he was playing so that he didn't have to be bothered to learn it.

I don't know if this video is a response to that, or if this was recoded during the making of the show, but a channel called Grunge Garden posted a video of Quinn actually playing "Maser Of Puppets" on a pretty bad ass electric guitar. I think its safe to say we can put any of those rumors that he didn't actually play the song to rest!

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