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Woman Awarded $600,000 For Revenge Porn Case in Macomb County

The craziness that happens after a break up... would you ever post "sexy" photos of your ex on social media? Our Macomb County Judge will change your decision if you would ever think about doing that.

“Revenge pornography occurs when a person posts onto the Internet the nude photographs or videos of an individual without that person's consent," said Kyle Bristow, attorney for the largest judgment of revenge porn in Michigan.

A 22-year-old ex-boyfriend, from Chesterfield who posted a video of him having sex with his 23-year-old ex- girlfriend, will have to pay her $600,000. “This often times happens when a relationship ends."

The couple had a 3.5 year relationship that was very romantic until she saw a video he recorded of them two having sex. He was never given permission to record this video from her. She ended the relationship on the spot.

Source/Fox 2 News  

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