Oakland University has done such a phenomenal job transitioning to remote learning during this COVID-19 pandemic. I asked for President Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D. and Glenn McIntosh, Vice President for Student Affairs, to join me in a discussion on how the transition has been for the faculty and OU students. In December when we learned about the first positive case of coronavirus, Oakland University met to anticipate how that would affect the students if it hit the state. The transition to remote learning was a miraculous effort on both the faculty and the students. I am a graduate of the Class of 2015 and will forever be a proud Grizzly.
We talked about the transition to remote learning, the impact COVID-19 had on Michigan and Oakland University, summer classes, student relief fund and what Oakland University has done in response for our community. Take a listen to our interview below.
Futhermore, President Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D. is posting updates on the Oakland University YouTube page with more updates as we learn more. For more information, go to Oakland University's website.