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Taylor Swift Takes On The Tiny Desk

My plan for today consisted of waking up, going to work, watching Taylor Swift's Tiny Desk Concert instead of doing anything productive, and then writing a blog post about the apocalypse aka Monday's Lover Fest ticket presale. However, that very large can of worms will have to wait because my girl Tay's Tiny Desk was everything I dreamed of and SO. MUCH. MORE.

First of all, I just need to say that I recently saw a tweet pointing out that it's called a "Tiny Desk Concert" because it is a tiny concert that takes place at a desk, not because it is a concert that takes place at a literal tiny desk, and my mind is blown.

Anyway, pantsuit rocking queen Taylor started her performance by saying she would be using this opportunity to perform some songs acoustically, the way she had originally written them, which is a dream come true for Swifties everywhere. She then went on to sing four songs, three of which are from her new masterpiece of an album, Lover. Here's a breakdown:

The Man- This song is the ultimate power move and was the perfect way to start the set. I'm pretty sure Tiny Desk audiences are told not to sing along out loud, which in this case is impossible, and nobody could restrain themselves. The entire crowd chimed in for arguably the best line in the whole song "I'd be just like Leo in Saint-Tropez". I am also HERE for the long dramatic pause after she sang "so it's okay that I'm mad". TELL EM' TAY.

Lover- Number two in the lineup, the piano version of Lover is everything. Don't get me wrong, I love the full production, but there's something about the acoustic performance that makes it feel so much more powerful. She even took it a step forward by switching up the way she sings the bridge and ahlskdfalskdfhaoeihj I can't even put into words how good that makes it. I could literally talk about this for hours, but for your sake, I'll move on.

Death By A Thousand Cuts- Or should I say Death By 2000+ cuts? Sorry, I said I wouldn't talk about Lover Fest ticketgate, so I won't. I have two words for this one: THAT. BRIDGE. I don't know if there are any of her songs I've ever been more desperate to here in person than this one, and I am jealous of every single human and inanimate object in that room who got to witness the magic.

All Too Well- Tag yourself, I'm the girl in the audience swaying and silently mouthing along like it is the best moment of her entire life. Ms. Swift closed with this classic from her 2012 Grammy deserving album, Red. 97% of the fandom's favorite Taylor song and the perfect fall vibe, All Too Well is so iconic that I am shook nobody in the audience was sobbing while scream singing along like I was from behind my computer. The perfect end to a legendary Tiny Desk Concert.

Overall, this performance was a masterpiece and I give it a 13/10. All hail Queen Taylor Allison Swift.

Photo Cred: Getty Images

Video Cred: NPR

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