Five Things You Should Care About... This Week! 9-22-17

Here the rundown for this week's edition of "Five Things You Should Care About... This Week!" with reporter Christiana Lilly! Follow her on Twitter at @ChristianaLilly. Listen to the podcast below!

1. Mother Nature is pissed off

- Nearly 300 people killed in Mexico after a 7.1 earthquake 

- Hurricane Maria slammed Puerto Rico, the entire island is without power

2. Healthcare bill fight

- Some Republican senators have come together to create a new healthcare bill

- Will do away with Obamacare and instead do block grants for each state

- Voting on it next week, they're scrambling to get the votes they need

3. Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un are in a battle of name calling

- Trump made an aggressive speech at the United Nations, called him "rocket man" (what does Elton John think about that?)

- Kim shot back and called him a "dotard" - people everywhere Google what the heck that means

- Answer: An older, senile person

4. iPhone 8 released 

- Because you just got your iPhone 7, you need to get a new one

- iPhone X coming out in a month

- People actually aren't jumping at this. It starts at $999 and some don't think it's that much of a difference

5. The Iowa Supreme Court is hearing a case... about a speeding ticket

- Marla Leaf suing Cedar Rapids over her $75 speeding ticket

- Private company maintains speeding cameras

- These cameras, and red light cameras, have been controversial.

Five Things You Should Care About... This Week! 9-22-17

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