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"DWTS" Recap: A Mishap + An Elimination

Hollywood China Night

"Dancing With the Stars"returned on Monday for the fourth week of competition. After a mishap, Anne Heche was sent home.

After host Tyra Banks reads though the 11 couples who are safe, viewers learn which two couples are in jeopardy.

Then came the mishap. 

With three couples left on stage,Tyra reveals that Monica and Val -- whom she's already declared safe -- were actually one of the couples in jeopardy. 

She says this after incorrectly stating thatVernon and Sharna were in the bottom two, which they weren't.

Ultimately it all came down toAnne and Keo against Monica and Val.

Judges Carrie Ann and Derek both vote to save Monica and Val, meaningAnne Heche and dance partner, Keo were sent home.

Source: E!

Photo Credit: Getty Images.

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