Mojo in the Morning

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Michigan Teen Gets 3-D Printed Shoes For His Size 28 feet

A 19-year-old Michigan man, who was previously in the Guinness Book of World Records for world's tallest teenager, has finally found a pair of shoes that fit his size 28 feet.

Broc Brown, a Jackson native who is nearly 8 feet tall, has Sotos Syndrome. Sotos is also known as cerebral gigantism and affects approximately one in every 15,000 people.

Feetz is a company that uses an app to convert photos of someone's feet into a 3-D model, which can be measured to create custom-fit shoes manufactured by a 3-D printer.

Beard says Feetz shoes cost between $99 and $250, versus the typical custom-fit shoes that cost a minimum of $400 to $500.

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