We have THREE winners for Mojo's Breast Christmas Ever this year. A big thank you to Dr. Gray & Skin Deep Spa for feeling extra generous this Christmas season. These three winners have won a free breast augmentation:
Detroit winner: Stefanie Pfluke
All my life I have struggled with confidence issues with my boobs. All my friends have nice boobs, and then there's me. I'm 27 and feel like I look 12!
Grand Rapids winner: Tanya Maksymowski
I've asked Santa for boobs every year since high school & I never got them, so, this year I thought I'd give it a shot and ask Mojo instead! Last year I had a little baby who has recently taken me from the itty bitty committee to the super itty bitty committee & momma wants some new boobs to play with. #merrytitmas
Toledo winner: Jordan Sloan
A breast augmentation is something I've wanted for a long time! However, being a college student it's not something I've ever had to money to do. I think it will build my self-confidence and help me to pursue the modeling career I've always dreamt about!